Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, February 2, 2009

Random January Moments

Hi there! January has flown by already. We've spent a lot of time catching up on house work. Mommy has been working on getting her painting business going again. You should check out her website, it's really fun: I've just been doing the usual: napping, tummy time. Oh - I am trying lots of different foods now! I think avocados and bananas mixed together are my favorite so far! Here are a few of the highlights from the month in pictures

You sure it just sits here?
Do you think we could ADD wheels?

You ready to make a trade for that bow yet?

Me and uncle Humberto

Hanging out at Humberto's with the rents

Mom, I'm busy with sweet potatoes here

What?!? NOT on the blog!

1 comment:

Eric and Danielle Hanley said...

I just love the bow on her head! She's adorable!!!