Thursday, November 13, 2008
3 Months
Like I said before, October was a fun month. Here are some shots from when Mommy and Daddy took me to the Arboretum. Daddy was very concerned about keeping me out of the sun. Also, we went to dinner at Leah and Jimmy's house for Mommy's birthday. They had an amazing dinner (I just got leftovers!) and we sat outside around the I was able to try out my new hoodie :-) On Halloween night, Mommy and Daddy took me to my first concert! It was David Wilcox doing an accoustic show in a really small room, but I got to where Grandma Janice's ghost costume again and it was really fun!
Aunt Mickie and Cousin Peter visit
October was a very exciting month! I turned 3 months old, Mommy had a birthday too, Halloween and pumpkins abound, and best of all: Mickie and Peter visited. Mommy had never met Peter (born 3 weeks before me and TWICE as big!), and Mickie had never been to Dallas. It was sooo much fun. We visited the arboretum and took pictures with pumpkins. Grandma Janice sent me my first Halloween costume too.
Plastic Pants
So, from the very beginning, Mommy and Daddy planned to use cloth diapers. You know, save money and the earth...all that good stuff. Unfortunately, I had such a little (nonexistent) butt, the diapers were more like a toga and the plastic pants gaped around my legs. It took me 3 months to grow into them! So Mommy almost got spoiled by those disposable things. But alas, although the whole getup comes to my armpits (and gives me the girlish figure of a potato), the plastic pants no longer gape. So we DO use old school when we're hanging around the house. Here are some shots of my first "change"..... I think it took Mommy 20 minutes to figure out how to fold and pin them :-)
Almost 3 Months
Well I'm almost 3 months now, and Mom and Dad are finally getting used to me (I think). I'm still WAY easy on them. Sleep is my favorite thing to do, baths are still no big deal, and I've stopped screaming every time I ride in the car :-) I'm growing like a weed, we need to move the straps up on my car seat. And I have the BEST expressions now. I can see what's going on in front of me, and more often than not, I find it shocking!

2 Months
At 2 months I had my first shots (yuck!) and a bunch more company. Oh - and I weighed 8lbs 9oz
My First Month
I had lots of "1st's" in my first month: first time meeting grandparents, first time meeting aunt Cissy, first small group night, first going away party, first Olympics! ..... somehow I'm the only one who ended up in any of the pictures though, so it's hard to distinguish between the events!

Team Memphis (from our mission trip) got to meet me during the Olympics Opening Ceremonies
All this entertaining is hair looks great though, doesn't it?
Tummy Time
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