Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Aunt Mickie and Cousin Peter visit

October was a very exciting month! I turned 3 months old, Mommy had a birthday too, Halloween and pumpkins abound, and best of all: Mickie and Peter visited. Mommy had never met Peter (born 3 weeks before me and TWICE as big!), and Mickie had never been to Dallas. It was sooo much fun. We visited the arboretum and took pictures with pumpkins. Grandma Janice sent me my first Halloween costume too.

Peter and I didn't leave much room in the back seat for big people!

Finally, someone who speaks my language!

I thought hangin' out for pictures with Peter was OK.....

....Until he tried to kiss me! yuck :-p

Casper's got nothin on me!

This pumpkin's in my personal space, think I'll kick it over...

...A little help over here, please!

At the Ft Worth Zoo...maybe Mommy will post some animal pictures later. It was really cool!

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