Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 13, 2008

3 Months

Like I said before, October was a fun month. Here are some shots from when Mommy and Daddy took me to the Arboretum. Daddy was very concerned about keeping me out of the sun. Also, we went to dinner at Leah and Jimmy's house for Mommy's birthday. They had an amazing dinner (I just got leftovers!) and we sat outside around the I was able to try out my new hoodie :-) On Halloween night, Mommy and Daddy took me to my first concert! It was David Wilcox doing an accoustic show in a really small room, but I got to where Grandma Janice's ghost costume again and it was really fun!

Daddy's version of 'sun block' ... he's always thinking of me :-)

My new hoodie

I have a new 'lion' attached to my car seat... He startles me sometimes. I'm not sure he can be trusted yet!

I KNOW I don't trust lambchop!

My first concert with Mommy and Daddy.... note how well I've adorned Daddy with slobber (that's my new thing :-p )

What an exhausting month. Mommy's legs are almost as comfy as their bed!

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